What is Feminine Business?

Join Kelly in a new episode where she unpacks the concept of what is feminine business and how women are choosing a new way of working. Having walked this path and guiding many women down this path, Kelly has seen women shift to a more fulfilling way of working and choosing a more intuitive way […]

14 Reasons Why You Might Be Feeling Stagnant In Your Business

You have created a successful career for yourself. Your business is thriving, you are doing all the right things to pave a path that you have desired for so long.   So why is it that you are suddenly feeling stuck despite this success you have created?   After working with hundreds of women intimately […]


  “All you do is talk about your work. When do you make time for YOU?”   Let me tell you a story of a client who shared with me on a recent call that she was pulled up by a friend while on holiday recently.   My intuition told me something was wrong the […]


  In a time where business is done differently by women, and where women are desiring to embrace more of themselves in their business and life, I am seeing profound shifts in how high achieving women are showing up in business and releasing the hold on doing things the way they have been done.   […]

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